Cindy Lee is a Leadership, Career & Life Purpose Coach that helps people understand their purpose, honor their leadership style, and authentically demonstrate their values & standards consistently across their lives.
Why be coached?
It’s tricky to sift through the clutter to discern what’s truly important. But like many others, you may find that it's not as hard as you might think. With a structured approach and accountability to honor what matters most to you, you can find the direction and clarity - and ultimately the peace - that you are seeking.
Find Purpose
Be who you were created to be. Understand what you're created for. Set your inner compass. Get clear about your values and define what's meaningful for you.
Live intentionally
Make solid decisions that honor what truly matters to you. Pursue opportunities with purpose & peace. Develop skills & disciplines to thrive in ways that are satisfying & authentic to you.
Lead With Integrity
Trust yourself at a deeper level. Define your own leadership style & convictions. Pursue growth and depth of character so you can navigate the expectations you face across all areas of life and model key values for your family, team, community.
A steady advocate - A career wingman - A sounding board - A secret weapon
With life as busy as it is, having clear perspective, making the right choices, and keeping commitments are key to navigating life with integrity and peace. However, conventional approaches to meaningful work and life tend to be backwards: aim to be what others want, or see what others do and copy them. Both paths lead to a mental roller coaster and emotional turmoil that is dreadful, frustrating, and disappointing - and often unnecessary… not to mention lead farther from understanding what is personally meaningful.
Imagine what you could achieve with someone standing with you, championing you through life. How might you feel if you know someone has your back throughout the job-search dating game? What might you explore if you could bounce ideas around with someone who truly has your best interests in mind?
Career Coaching
To find a new job, we are often counseled to see what employers are looking for and aim to be like that. Or highlight what we’ve done well in the past, even if that’s the work we no longer want to do. Or network with people in hopes that they’ll help us figure ourselves out.
To move up the ladder, we are often guided to outdo ourselves because what we previously did well is now what’s expected of us. We’re told to perform at the next level before we can be promoted, but it starts to feel like aiming at a moving target.
It all sounds backwards and unreasonable, but is there another way? Yes! Rather than aiming to be what others want, start with knowing what matters to you and what you bring to the table, and what you're looking to do next. Once you can articulate that in employable terms, you can tell a more compelling story across your resume and interviews, and your networking can be much more effective.
If you're looking for new employment or evaluating your existing career path, we'll get clear about who you are and what you're looking for, so you can articulate it clearly and explore opportunities wisely and authentically.

Life Purpose Coaching
To find meaningful life, we are often inspired to take a break or go far away from daily life to (re)connect with our souls. Or work really hard to empty our minds, rather than reflect on what matters most to us and how to move towards them. Or talk to people who love what they do, only to become less content with our situations.
We don’t always have the luxury of stepping away from life and responsibilities to “find ourselves,” nor do we need to be so drastic. Time of reflection is great, and you don’t need to go trekking in Tibet for a year to understand your purpose in life. These seemingly hazy concepts can become clear in a surprisingly short time with a bit of structured guidance and accountability.
Build a foundation of purposeful living. Know who you are created to be and what you are created to do. From there, we can tackle purposeful goals while developing the skills and disciplines needed to reach them.
Leadership Coaching
To be a better leader, we’re advised to find leaders we admire and respect, and to copy what they do. Or we were promoted because of our skills as individual contributors and now expected to master the new skills of management on our own. We’re even pressured to “get to the next level” when we’re more than happy to stay in our current role.
There are as many styles of leadership as there are people. Some loud, some reserved; some lead from the front, while others from behind or in the middle. It's not about the title nor the role, but the platform of influence. The beautiful thing about leadership is that impact can be made in countless ways, so you can define the type of leader you want to be. Sadly, many leaders describe their experiences as lonely, being ill-prepared, feeling like an imposter, struggling to stay afloat, trying to catch their breath, grasping for support. It’s ok to want to be rescued from that and instead pursue a more life-giving and rewarding leadership experience.
If you're in a position to help people thrive in their jobs or you want to grow in your own skills and satisfaction, we'll establish your leadership style and set goals that are authentic to you.

Clients have been successful in areas such as these:
Being a better husband, father & leader at work
"I learned my problem was that my 'hard work' ethic didn't translate to the rest of my life. Once I applied it to other areas, relationships were restored and I felt more fulfilled and balanced."
​Restarting a post-baby career
"I stopped sabotaging my decision to go back to work. With accountability and a freedom to explore, I am amazed at how I'm accomplishing things that seemed too daunting before."
Developing an authentic management style
"I felt pressured to be like other managers, but Cindy helped me define my own style & vision and bring out the best in each member so we could thrive as a new team."
Becoming a reliable
man of my word
"I've been following through and much more disciplined. I'm more aware of commitments I've made with friends, more of a man of integrity. My friends are in awe."
Changing careers with confidence & purpose
"I made a choice to drastically change industries, and with Cindy’s help I did it with confidence, overcame my own misguided beliefs, and even found my true life purpose!"
Identifying my unique value to the world
"I'll never forget the 'a-ha' moment of when we jointly came up with my purpose statement. I liked it so much I kept saying it to myself just to bring on a smile."